Digital Transformation in Export: E-Export 1

Digital Transformation in Export: E-Export

The digital world is rapidly shaping our needs, which are increasing every day. Digital transformation is progressing rapidly with the rapid transmission and implementation of new approaches.
The concept of digitalization in general; It provides great opportunity for businesses to synthesize digital technologies with new combinations without developing new business models. It enables to offer new products and services by taking advantage of the unique customer experiences. It helps businesses to use company resources more effectively and to apply technology to these resources.
In the digitalizing world, one of the sectors that shows the best performance in this definition is electronic commerce. Along with electronic commerce, many issues such as realizing new business models in the business world, activating digital operational competencies, and serving customers digitally are important.

Dijital Dönüşüm
Digital Transformation

Result of Digital Transformation
As a result of the digital transformation, with the removal of borders on the world, 70-year-old Zeynep Hanım, who lives in Ankara, can sell her handmade laces to America, while Önder Bey can send the clothes he produces to Andrey of Russia.
Especially in the last few years, as a result of the rapid expansion of the buyer group, it is the most favorite trade center of our country and the world in terms of sellers.
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