Sentos helps small and medium-sized businesses that provide product-oriented services to be managed independently of each other with its Pre-accounting, E-Commerce, and Marketplace Integration software solutions. Since its inception, it has been helping businesses with their software needs.
With Sentos, you can automatically upload products to n11, gitgidiyor and Hepsiburada, stock control, product update, invoicing and shipping. With multi-store management, you can manage more than one store on the same platform from the same panel.
Prices for Sentos Packages vary between 3500 TL and 7250 TL for 2021.
You can create orders and store invoices from E-Commerce platforms as E-Archive/E-Invoice. You can control your invoices through a single panel. You can print bulk cargo labels or invoices by tracking orders from all platforms on the same screen. Products are automatically uploaded to your online stores, their stocks are integrated with each other.
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Sentos with E-Commerce Site Software
Sentos E-Commerce: Sentos is made compatible with Ticimax, Ideasoft, T-Soft, Woocommerce, WordPress, Prestashop, Opencart and many E-Commerce infrastructures.
Ticimax Sentos
Sentos E Commerce Sentos integrates with the infrastructure you use, takes all your stocks from your accounting program and instantly processes all orders together with your current customers. With Ticimax Sentos, your orders, stock changes, invoice designs etc. are made automatically.
Ideasoft Sentos
You can easily distribute your products with XML Sentos from your Idesoft E-Commerce system. You can automate your orders and stock changes in Trendyol, N11, Gittigidiyor, Hepsiburada, Amazon and many other marketplaces.
T-soft Sentos
You can manage your products in the marketplaces by making arrangements via T-soft or Sentos. You can increase your sales by using features such as the possibility of making special price definitions for each market place, alarms, etc. You can request all your digital management from Adapte Digital.

Sentos & Marketplaces
Marketplace Sentos
Your products entered in Sentos are listed on N11, Gittigidiyor, Hepsiburada, Amazon, Akakçe, Trendyol, Çiçeksepeti-Mizu, Epttavm, Zebramo and Virtualpazar, and all your orders are managed from Sentos.
Trendyol Sentos
Sentos Trendyol allows you to send and manage your products on your Sentos site or accounting program. The stock change due to the product sold at any hour is updated on other platforms at the same time.
Amazon Sentos
Sentos Amazon Sentos allows you to post and manage your products on your site or accounting program.

Hepsiburada Sentos
Sentos Hepsiburada allows you to send and manage your products on your site or accounting program.
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Accounting Program Sentos
You can provide two-sided instant Sentos for your products and orders with accounting programs (Logo, Mikro, Akınsoft, Eta, Netsis, Nebim, Vega, Dia, Paraşüt, Sentez, Link, Webticari, Nethesap).
Akınsoft Sentos
Supplier Xml Sentos
In addition to your own stocks, you can define the Xmls of your suppliers to Sentos, and have them automatically updated on your marketplace and site.
You can examine Sentos E Commerce and Marketplace Sentos Packages.