T-Soft E Ticaret

Website Studies for T-Soft E-Commerce Software

T-Soft e-commerce software has been developed since 2003, completely original and using the world’s latest software technologies.

If you want to go fast in e-commerce, read this article and our other articles about similar short software until the end. Because this will give you the practice of e-commerce operation.

T-Soft continues to develop itself in line with its global goals. T-Soft E-Commerce packages are sold at different price ranges. You can start with a package that suits your needs.

Tsoft is a system that works with the logic of renting software, renting the software to you and charging annual renewal fees.

E-Commerce packages are priced by offering many features at separate prices. After renting the system, product entries or all other operational works are done in-house.

Adapted Digital Support in Sales with T-Soft E-Commerce

If you do not have a team to do other work to sell your product after purchasing T-Soft software, we can be your solution partner. Adapte Digital can offer you e-commerce software similar to T-soft, as well as perform all operational tasks from after-sales support.

How many parts is the e-commerce process divided into and what are the job descriptions?

T-Soft post-software operations: Stunning slide or product banner designs, category entries and texts, product entries and texts, product photography or editing, Trendyol, Hepsiburada, N11, Amazon, Gittigidiyor integration processes, Integra matching, accounting, invoice software, social media management, Google Seo and Advertising operations…

You can review our web design and e-commerce services on our pages: Web Design, E-Commerce …

Website Studies for T-Soft E-Commerce Software 1

Banner and Slide Designs on T-Soft E-Commerce Site

Homepage slides, homepage and other pages banner designs, in-site visual presentations must be made by your team or solution partners. We can make customized images of your T soft E-Commerce site with our monthly site management model.

Website Studies for T-Soft E-Commerce Software 2

Category and Product Entries on T-Soft E-Commerce Site

You can get help from T-Soft’s own videos for category and product entries in T-Soft e-commerce software. Adapte Digital can give you this service with the support of user and seo compatible product entry.

Website Studies for T-Soft E-Commerce Software 3

Product Photo Shooting or Editing for T-Soft E-Commerce Site

You want the photos of the products you will add to your T-Soft e-commerce site to be more original and suitable for what you want. It will be very beneficial for you to take photos that will impress your potential customers and encourage them to buy. Adapte Digital does photo shooting, product photo cleaning, photo editing for you.

E-Ticaret Pazaryeri Entegrasyon İşlemleri

Trendyol, Amazon and Other Marketplace Integrations

While using e-commerce software, you can manage marketplaces and other compatible sales channels from a single panel. These software or intermediary institutions, which we call integrators, distribute your products. The main integrators are: Entegra, Stockmount, Sentos, Dopigo. Our advice until a new one comes out; It is Integra. We can explain this recommendation, which is based on many reasons and our experience, in detail when you contact us.

In e-commerce integration, the products are taken by the integrator from the accounting program or wherever the source of your operational setup will be, and distributed to the relevant areas. Here you will encounter a lot of business, where you will have problems and seek support. For this, you can get support from companies or you can ask for support from us.

Bizimaccount, Parachute etc. Accounting Programs, E-Invoice Integration

Bizim Account, Paraşüt, Akınsoft etc. similar online accounting programs. We make your job very easy in E-Commerce sales transactions.

Website Studies for T-Soft E-Commerce Software 4

Google Advertising and Seo Operations

What we have told so far are almost the cornerstones of the system. I hope it was useful information and reading. Selling through your own e-commerce site is vital and a guarantee of your future. We say this to all our customers and to our ties to digital businesses that receive information from us: Data is the treasure of the digital age. If we work to obtain our own data, we win.

What this means: knowing our customers and what they want from us monthly, establishing a system that serves them gives you a lot of money, both financially and morally. This is possible with Google advertising and Seo (search engine settings). Click to download our Google Ads page…

Social media management

Social Media is a very effective tool in brand and product awareness. You can manage your social media with standard shares or aggressive applications. Methods such as using influencers, creating your own influencer network, etc. can bring your brand or products to the top.

Veri Analiz, Raporlama, Datalar

Data and Data Management

Development comes when the data/data obtained from all these e-commerce transactions are used. Who bought what and how much from us, are the results of the metrics we target good or are they getting better? Many reports and their comments take us one step higher. Analyze and use your data.

Data and analytics tools: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Datastudio, Google Merchant Center and many paid analytics tools.

For those who want to work with T-Soft, we wrote a short article on the topics we can support, using a simplified language. We did not want to enter into comparisons like T-Soft or Ideasoft. Each software has advantages, disadvantages, many things to write about early and late. The important thing in this business is to believe in development and to do our part properly.

You can review T-Soft E-Commerce Packages.

In this article, we explained how we can use our advanced skills to support our valued customers. Check out our services and references on our site.

You can manage your sales with our digital marketing packages.

Adapte Digital: Best Digital Marketing Services Agency

For digital marketing services, you can get services with affordable prices for businesses and brands that are looking for a digital marketing company. Adapte Digital, also called a digital web agency, serves businesses and brands that want to continue their digital activities efficiently. As a digital consultant, he stands by businesses and brands. Adapte Digital offers an improved service with the Efficient Digital Model. Our digital consultancy service grows your business rapidly. You can make a choice by examining these pages for an honest, transparent and responsible business partner. Adapte Digital works hard to be the best digital marketing agency that is preferred by companies from Istanbul Beylikdüzü.

Digital activities are now indispensable for businesses and brands. But digital developments and studies are only at the beginning of the road. As digital audit, digital auditor and digital audit specialist, we audit the digital activities of businesses and brands. Adapte Digital optimizes the digital processes and results of businesses and brands. You can work with the digital audit agency Adapte Digital to audit your digital activities.

Digital PR Agency

Adapte Digital serves as a digital pr agency. Although digital PR and marketing seem very close together, PR is a better term to describe awareness and promotion services. Digital PR, Online Reputation Management, also known as Online PR, is the adaptation of PR work done in traditional media to new media.

It helps you to establish a tighter relationship with your customers, to transfer the success you have achieved with traditional PR methods to the digital environment, to appear in front of your target audience when you are searched in search engines, to strengthen your brand’s image, and to produce content for search engines.

Digital PR, online reputation management or online PR, whatever you call it, has now become a mandatory requirement for companies, and those who adapt quickly and apply it consistently will continue on their way stronger in the future.

You can choose Adapte Digital as your digital PR agency. You can reach your goal in the best way by using the Efficient Digital Model.

Use It If You Are An Expert, Efficient Digital Model

Digital Agency Service, Google Ads Agency and Digital Web Agency

It provides services to companies that want to get digital agency services as digital web agency, Google ads agency, Google adwords agency, Google advertising agency with the most affordable package prices. Adapte Digital will be the best choice for those looking for an Istanbul digital marketing agency.

You can use digital agency services for web, Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other media needs.

On Web Design Packages and Website Prices

If you are a business owner looking for web design packages, website package prices, you can buy effective packages. Adapte Digital, which packs its services according to the Efficient Digital Model tempo, achieves very effective results. We provide immediate service to business owners based in Avcılar, Beylikdüzü, Bahçeşehir, Büyükçekmece, who are looking for website design prices, web design packages. For your web design needs, you can choose from these packages according to your budget. You can choose our Adapte Digital packages for professional, corporate website design.

E-Commerce Website Design Prices

E-commerce web design prices, e-commerce site price, e-commerce consultancy are the things you need to sell products. You can get E Commerce consultancy from Adapte Digital and get all of these done. You can work with Adapte Digital among digital marketing companies for commercial website prices, website prices, website packages. Conclude your website setup prices, web design price research with Adapte Digital packages.

Adapte Digital will be the best choice for those looking for an Istanbul digital marketing agency. Adapte Digital works hard to provide effective and impressive service from Istanbul Beylikdüzü to Turkey and abroad. For digital marketing, you can work together wherever you are in Turkey and abroad.

We recommend you to watch the following video of Adapte Digital founder Gürbüz Özdem: How to Grow Small Businesses?

What is E-Commerce and How Is It Done?
Sentos E-Commerce, Marketplace Integration and Product Upload
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