Frequently Asked Questions
They are digital transformation works in which all content and designs are made in accordance with the need with all the basic features that should be. They are works that turn from design to advertising.
We have divided our website packages according to their speed. We’ve added all of the essential work that a website should have, customizing their prices to match their conversion speed.
Paketlerimiz ile uygulanan Dijital Dönüşüm 14 gün ile 21 gün arasında yayına açılır. Hazır site diye adlandırılıp hemen yayın denilenlerden farkı içerikler ve müşteri odaklı çalışmaları Adapte Dijital’in yapıyor olmasıdır.
Packages for all pages and marketing are included in Adapte Digital. The contents are SEO and customer compatible.
Quotas and restrictions are often used in fraudulent marketing as “unlimited”. Adapte Digital packages are arranged according to the visit. As your visit increases, the quota limit is increased free of charge by us, but when you have as many visits as Google, you will be charged.
Web sitenizin kurulumundan başlayan planlı çalışmalarımız yayına kadar sürüyor. Desteğimiz paketin içeriğinde verdiğimiz sürelerin dışında da taleplerinizi karşılamak için sürmektedir. İşinizi ve memnuniyetinizi en iyi noktaya getirebilmek için yanınızda oluyoruz.
Adapte Digital website packages are the packages offered as ready-made packages to provide you with all the services that will be useful for your business and get results faster and more fully with content from them. This is a huge difference, it is an innovative and devoted approach.
Yes. In order to manage your website, we offer you training support and professional packages for professional management.
Web sitenizi yabancı dillerde yayınlanabilir temele sahiptir. Hatta Arapça gibi sağdan sola işleyen dillerde de yayınlanabilir.
Your website is 100% SEO compatible. SEO Optimization is done by Adapte Dijital in our website packages.
Adapte Digital designs a website suitable for every screen. It designs your website for mobile, tablet and desktop.
Security updates of your website are made regularly by Adapte Dijital.