Suggestions from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business 1

Suggestions from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business

Recommendations from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business I would like to talk a little about ourselves before we start. I am Gürbüz Özdem, Business Development Specialist and digital I manage Adapte Digital as a consultant. I have many documents and certificates on web, digital, business and brand development. I have gained a lot of experience with 17 years of accounting experience and 10 years of digital web agency management. I have established and consulted many businesses, brands and businesses on behalf of our customers.

We started digital consultancy in 2015 with the software brand MEGESOFT. In 2019, we established our agency Adapte Digital to become more expert and talented in our business. I have had over 200 clients in my professional life in accounting, and we have built and delivered nearly 500 websites in my professional life as a digital web agency. Our agency provides its customers with the most basic topics; It provides software, web, digitalization, business development, brand development, advertising, promotion, marketing and digital consultancy services.

The lifeblood of a healthy economyis businesses that are able to produce in a modern way. Where inflation, price stability and uncertainties prevail… How smart is it to start your own business? I think heroes should emerge at these times. Even if you are not responsible for the results, you can be the determinant of the future.

In this article, I will remain insistent on my main focus: You will have your own business on production or your own businesses that do supporting work of open-fronted enterprises engaged in production. Well-chosen businesses that produce products or services that are in demand can be more profitable than all investment instruments.

Of course, your strength, desire and determination will be decisive here. These terms; It may not make sense to people who are lazy and parasitic. The target audience of my article: are strong, dynamic, believing, courageous people who are determined to produce and succeed.

First of all! For those who dream of starting their own business, as a digital consultant andbusiness development specialist, we offerweb-based or web-supported services. I will suggest that they start thinking about things. Opening your own business, creating your brand and taking your place in the digital world is possible by building this process step by step with a strategic approach.

Your first step is toidentify/try to discover the subjects you are good at or could be good at. In your journey to start your own business, it is imperative that you have the knowledge to carefully prepare your business plan. It would also be wise to get support from the start.

You will need to clearly analyze your financial situation, provide the necessary financing, accounting knowledge, draw a customer profile according to the product/service, and create solutions for their needs.

Know this, starting your own business requires patience, passion, and constant learning. Be prepared for the challenges you may encounter when opening your own business and continually develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful entrepreneur. As Gürbüz Özdem, I am here to support you in digitalization and business development. Take a step to make starting your own business more than a dream and walk with effort towards your attainable goal.

Suggestions from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business 2

Your own best



Establishing your own businesshas been the basic instinct of man since the day civilization was born. Meeting his/her needsand his legacy to his future. For thousands of years, humans did their own work, plowed their fields, fed their animals, wove their rugs, and sewed their clothes. Until the birth of industrial society. I think that industrial society alienates people from what they can produce. Digitalization and the new age of intelligence have begun to offer many opportunities for people to contribute to society by doing their own work. Going digital enables rapid research, learning, application and presentation to communities.

Opening your own business means that you now set your own boundaries. It offers you the chance to passionately add meaning to your life every day and leave a legacy for the future. Opening your own business is an opportunity that can give you the opportunity to shape production and the market. Opening your own shop is a way to connect with the community.

Suggestions from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business 3

How Can We Help You Achieve Your Goals in Your Own Business?

Digital; It offers so many advantages to those who know how to use it that you will make a profit from the very beginning. Advice for Starting Your Own Business: Start using the “Web Based Business Development Study Program”. Let’s talk about the details.

Owning your own business, taking financial control. Starting your own business, unleashing your creativity. With every step, there is a chance to learn and grow. Opening your own business gives you the power to manage risks. Thus, opening your own business is a chance to build a sustainable future.

Opening your own shop is contributing to your community. Doing your own business is finding meaning in your business life. Every success is entirely your work. Starting your own business is the most direct way to achieve your dreams. After all, opening your own business is the beginning of writing a true success story.

Starting My Own Business


It may not be always ideal for everyone who says “I want to start my own business” to take this path. The feeling of wanting to open my own business requires great passion. However, saying I want to do my own business also brings great responsibilities. Those who say they want to open a business should analyze many topics carefully. Every successful business idea requires detailed planning and strategy.

Those who say

I want to start my own business should take risks. The idea that I want to open my own business requires patience and determination. Saying “I want to run my own business” may mean long working hours. For those who say they want to open a business, balancing family and work can be challenging. However, the dream of starting your own business is worth overcoming these difficulties.

Anyone who says

I want to start my own business should carefully evaluate the challenges and rewards on this path. The desire to open my own business can become a reality with good preparation. The desire to do my own business can be achieved with the right planning and passion. Those who say they want to open a business should be able to see in themselves the power to be the master of their own destiny. 🌟

Web Based

Business Development

Get Digital Consultancy for

Which of these three are you?

First; You don’t know what to do and you just want to do something.

Second; You are an entrepreneur and have a solid idea that you trust.

Third; You are thinking of starting a business because you cannot find a job. You think owning your own business is a fun, freedom-filled way to make big money.

I think most of them belong to the third group. Of course, as age increases, the number of people in the first and second groups increases.

I have nothing to say in this article to people in the third group. I can say a lot to the people in the first and second groups. Our key terms with them are: good ideas, cash flow, solution products, customer profile, business owner environment, work schedules, planning, resource management and business training.


You came and asked me: How do I do my own business? Based on the general profile, I have only one answer: set yourself a clear and attainable goal. Example: I will earn 500 thousand TL from my own business in 2024. If a person sets himself a goal that he can reach according to his age, education, strength, environment, what he can do, and his desire to do it, and sets out, he will reach it. If such a clear and simple goal is good for you, you will take action and achieve it.

Plain and clear: start working on something you like that you are good at or think you can be good at.

In the system we live in: the head of the business is the resource, sometimes also called capital. :) Your resource: information, labor, money, etc. are things. Whichever you start with, your driving forces will be: desire, belief, excitement, patience and passion.

If what has been written so far suits you, you can do your own thing.


In the last 6 months, there are 50 people I have taken seriously and interviewed who asked how to start my own business. Of these, 60% are between the ages of 24 and 34. People in this age range are generally deceived by dropshipping and think that they should earn money immediately. They think they have to sit at the table and put 1 and immediately get 10. According to them, Jeff Bezos came up with something called Amazon while he was sitting idle and earned $100 billion that day. They should be like him too.

The rest were people with really consistent and down-to-earth ideas. There were many examples of people who achieved good things. My examples: While the mouse pad brand used to be produced and sold in China, it now produces and sells most types in our country. Sign maker is a job that can be learned and done quickly. Cosmetics has a good brand now. He became a delicious appetizer seller and his business is going well. Even though their jobs are different, they all have one thing in common: they work hard for the job they love.

Those who had little money set up their business by devoting a lot of time, and those who had a lot of money started their business with bigger beginnings. But all of us faced real work. We went through a really intense and tiring working process.

Performed by youThere is no secret to what has to be done. If you make it happen, it will come true. You want it and you work to get it. Don’t be fooled by promises full of secrets. Research, ask, investigate, program, plan and work and work again.

When choosing our own job, let’s ask and investigate the following:

A) What am I and what do I want:

  1. What am I good at?
  2. What is/are the things I like to do?
  3. What is/are the things I don’t like to do?

B) What are the problems in life, what could be the solutions?

  1. What are the problems people or businesses experience?
  2. What are the benefits people and businesses are looking for?

C) 1 K 7 N

I’m looking at this pattern in reverse and adding two more N’s.

Who/for whom?




Where is it?


What will happen?

What happened?

D) Build your community.

Everything is for them. Once you hit the road and connect with more customers, your business will grow. Step in without any fuss and get your first customer. The rest will come.

If you say you want to start your own business: You can get support from us.

Think about producing a product, a service, or being a representative of someone who produces it!


Yes. Did you believe it? :) Except for a few examples, there is no new business that shows immediate profitability. If you establish your own business with a good program and planning, get support from consultants and follow their instructions exactly, you will achieve profitability. What you need to choose here is a good job and a good guide.

You can reach us if you take over or become a partner in established, ongoing businesses that will rise with the touch of a new, fresh power. Whatever happens, one thing is true: in all of these, the transition to profitability is long-term. Starting your own business is a long-term investment.

How will you win?

This question should be written from beginning to end, if you are seriously considering it, consult us. It would be better to comment and make suggestions according to your wishes.

Suggestions from Experts for Those Who Say They Want to Start Their Own Business 3

Is It Possible to Start a Profitable Business?


Establishing, managing, maintaining and growing a business is really challenging. It is a matter of resources and time. If you have the resources and time, you can achieve your goal by working hard.

The best way to grow your business is to reach many people who need what you offer. This happens through promotion and marketing.

In this article, I will give examples from my experiences, with the fear that one-sentence suggestions may be misleading. We grew a new or small business through Google Ads. The marketing method we used was “growht hacking”. We chose the path according to the source, guessed the most productive place and tried to get the result. The job we gave to this model is: Efficient Digital Model

We have grown many of our customers’ new and small businesses with this model. For a small start Web Based Business Development Digital Consultancy may be useful to you.

Note:The article is not an investment advice on any subject. It aims to introduce ourselves and our business through sharing experience. The article is still in its first stage, efforts will be made to improve it and make it more understandable. From the brands we have grown: Cozmania.

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