What is Data Driven Advertising, How Is It Done?

Data driven advertising is smart advertising. More relevant, more measurable and more valuable: Consumers, advertisers, publishers often use this type of advertising. Because, thanks to smart advertising, it sends the right message to the right person at the right time.

The use of data in advertising has far-reaching social, cultural and economic implications for the advertiser. Data-driven advertising describes people’s Internet experience, the time they spend online, and the variety and types of sites they visit.

How Important is Data Driven Advertising?

Because the impact of data-driven advertising is so vast, it can be difficult to measure. Online resources aim to bridge this gap and answer the question: How important is data-driven advertising?

Thanks to data-driven ads, you will be able to know your audience and decide which message will go to them and when. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? In addition, thanks to data-driven advertising, you will be less likely to fail in products.

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Data Driven Advertising People’s Internet Usage

Research shows how people’s use of the internet is tied to data-driven advertising.

Thanks to digital advertising, 68% of people have never paid to access websites, online news or basic internet services such as e-mail.

69% of people want their browsing data to be shared for advertising to access digital content like news articles and online video for free.

80% of internet users say they prefer free sites with content ads.

Our ad management example: E-Bağcı

4 Ways to Use Data Driven Advertising


Retargeting is one of the many ways data can revolutionize digital advertising. The resulting user data helps to increase remarketing campaigns by capturing the user’s online activity and behavior.

Every time a user visits your website, the remarketing code (known as a pixel or tag) is triggered and a cookie file is stored in the user’s browser. When the user browses other websites, they can see your ads related to your products through the advertising platform.

2.Programmed Advertising

Traditional advertising users often take a “do and wait” approach. Advertisers will spend a lot of money to run their ads on TV or display banner ads in newspapers.

But programmatic ads analyze data to decide which ads to buy and automate the buying process. It then bids people on ‘real-time’ bids executed over a digital exchange.

Programmatically, advertisers can manipulate users by demographics, geography, interests, behaviors, etc., without any human intervention. targets according to user characteristics such as

User data is stored on a platform known as a data management platform (DMP). DMP collects first and third party user data from PPC, social media, website, mobile apps, etc. combine it with various marketing efforts such as

Third-party data provides customers with a wide range of data points to better understand their audience. You can also purchase a person’s first-party data privately.

3.Predictive Advertising

Predictive analysis uses data, artificial intelligence and statistical algorithms to predict responses and outcomes.

With predictive advertising, you can identify a potential audience and reach them with highly targeted messaging on the right platforms. Artificial intelligence analyzes customer behavior, attributes, past responses and purchases with the help of statistical algorithms to predict future sales and responses.

For example, Facebook offers lookalike audience targeting derived from custom audiences. You can transfer your customer list, website visitors, page likes to Facebook, and according to their characteristics, Facebook will prepare a list of users with similar characteristics and behaviors.

In short, Facebook helps you reach a wider audience with similar characteristics to your existing customers. While these potential audiences may not be familiar with your brand, they are more likely to become your customers because they are very similar to your current customers.

4.Data Driven Search Engine Marketing

With more than 3.5 billion searches on Google alone daily, marketers have a lot of data at their disposal. But data alone won’t make sense if you can’t sort and find patterns to use in marketing. Major search engines have updated themselves according to their search history, search intent queries and language usage.

With more than 3.5 billion searches on Google alone daily, marketers have a lot of data at their disposal. But data alone won’t make sense if you can’t sort and find patterns to use in marketing. Major search engines have updated themselves according to their search history, search intent queries and language usage.

Based on this data, advertisers can identify the peak time for searches and purchases and apply their search marketing strategy accordingly. Search can be expensive, but there is a way to lower costs, and if handled strategically, you can get some valuable keywords for less.

Starting with these 4 pillars will allow you to lay a strong foundation for a future dominated by data-driven advertising.

Digital Advertising Agency Service, Google Ads Agency and Digital Web Agency

It provides services to companies that want to get digital agency services as digital web agency, Google ads agency, Google adwords agency, Google advertising agency with the most affordable package prices. Adapte Digital will be the best choice for those looking for an Istanbul digital marketing agency.

You can use digital agency services for web, Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other media needs.

You can use digital agency services for web, Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other media needs.

Adapte Digital will be the best choice for those looking for an Istanbul digital marketing agency. Adapte Digital works hard to provide effective and impressive service from Istanbul Beylikdüzü to Turkey and abroad. For digital marketing, you can work together wherever you are in Turkey and abroad.

We recommend you to watch the following video of Adapte Digital founder Gürbüz Özdem: How to Grow Small Businesses?

What is Data Driven Marketing? Let’s Examine

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