Digital Audit Service

Digital Supervisor

A digital supervisor is to oversee digital activities, communicate organizational needs, oversee employee performance, provide guidance, support, identify development needs, and manage the interrelationship between staff and the organization so that each can be successful.

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Digital Supervisor 2


Digital auditor, consultancy during the digital audit phase, digital activities, examination of the real and digital environment, information gathering and guidance…

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The digital auditor is tasked with identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement due to error or fraud, thereby profiting the business.

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The main purpose of the digital audit is to express an opinion and present strategies according to the reports arising from the results of digital activities.

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In Digital Audit Services

Digital Supervisor

digital supervisor; Risk assessment procedures are carried out in order to provide a basis for the assessment of risks of material misstatement on business objectives and audit claims, and to identify factors such as error-fraud.

Work with Digital Control

What Does a Digital Auditor Do?

Digital auditing is aimed at getting to know the business and its environment, including the internal control of the business. For risk assessment procedures, analytical procedures, observation and audit procedures are applied and interviews are held with appropriate management levels.

Application of Analytical Procedures

Implementation of analytical procedures to reach a conclusion on the entirety of digital activities

Evaluation of Audit Evidence

Evaluation of audit evidence gathered and checks against evaluations

Evaluation of Errors

Evaluation of detected errors, including those that have not been implemented

Availability of Digital Tables and Reports

Evaluate whether it has been prepared in accordance with the digital reporting framework

Implementation of Audit Procedures

Implementation of audit procedures regarding events after the digital activity result form

Implementation of Required Procedures

Performing necessary procedures on comparison of results over close samples

Declaration of Results

Obtaining, reporting and sharing the statements regarding the results of the digital audit independent from the management

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*Formu doldurup ve kişisel verilerinizi vererek, Adapte Dijital'den veya Adapte Dijital'in araştırma ortaklarından bu projeyle ilgili e-postalar ve aramaları almayı kabul etmiş olursunuz. Bilgileri kullanmamıza izin vermiş olursunuz.

Be Your Digital Supervisor

How Digital Auditor Manages the Process

In the digital auditor audit process, the business operates in the form of examining digital activities, real and digital environment, collecting information, identifying and evaluating audit risks, collecting evidence on digital activities, determining and implementing procedures, evaluating and reporting digital and audit results.

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Claims and Risks

Assessment of assertions and corresponding risks, digital risks

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Evaluation and Conclusion

Gathering evidence, assessing inaccuracies, performing procedures, and conclusions

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Reporting and Communication

Communicates with management, corporate governance officers and other relevant parties.

Digital Supervisor Works for Efficiency

Productivity with Digital Supervisor

As a digital auditor, our services make the activities that your business continues or will start efficient and sustainable.


Digital auditing is about communicating organizational needs, overseeing employee performance, providing guidance, providing support, identifying development needs, and managing the interrelationship between staff and the organization so that each can be successful.

The main purpose of the digital audit is to identify and evaluate the risks of material misstatement due to error or fraud, by knowing the business and its environment, including the internal control of the audited enterprise, in order to express an opinion according to the reports arising from the results of digital activities, and thus to address the risks considered as the risk of material misstatement. It is to provide a basis for the design and implementation of counter-offices.

The summary of the 3 main stages of digital auditing is as follows:

  • Analyzing the business, digital activities, real and digital environment, collecting information and determining and evaluating audit risks
  • Gathering digital evidence, setting and implementing procedures
  • Evaluation and reporting of digital and audit results
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*Formu doldurup ve kişisel verilerinizi vererek, Adapte Dijital’den veya Adapte Dijital’in araştırma ortaklarından bu projeyle ilgili e-postalar ve aramaları almayı kabul etmiş olursunuz. Bilgileri kullanmamıza izin vermiş olursunuz.