Sürdürülebilir Verimli Dijital

Digitalization in a Time of Sustainability

The world we live in now and the world 50 years from now will be very different from each other. In these times when we feel the effects of digitalization in many different business lines, the concept of sustainability has moved to another dimension.

Sustainable technological solutions that are the basis for digitalization, climate, urbanization, demography and globalization are completely reshaping life.

In the transition from the industrial society to the information and digital society, human needs have exceeded predictable levels with the increase in population.

The rapid consumption of natural resources in order to meet the increasing needs has caused significant damage to sustainability in the world ecosystem.

Digitalization in a Time of Sustainability 1
Sustainable Efficient Digital

The point of communication technologies and the endless flow of data have eliminated the concepts of time and space for people.

When we set out from all these perspectives, we encounter modern societies that place digitalization technologies and their extensions at the center of life.

What is Sustainability?

Sustainability means that something is sustainable, maintains its current state, or can renew itself.

But when we consider it as a concept, it is difficult to say that this definition fully meets what we mean.

Understanding the relationship between the concepts of digitalization and sustainability in terms of environment requires a little more reading. So let’s continue;

technological progress; The invention of the steam engine is a prime example of its technological advances. Many of the innovations and developments that open up dimensions are technological progress.

digital transformation; We call transformation to ensure compliance with technological developments.

Digitalization; This is the last ring. As a result of the above terms, reflexes such as being able to think new things and gaining habits are digitalization.

Digitalization in a Time of Sustainability 2
Sustainable Efficient Digital

Consequences of Sustainability in Digitalization

The importance of printed materials is becoming less important, as people come together digitally, eliminating private vehicle pollution, and significantly reducing paper consumption by eliminating huge notes on large papers.

We no longer distribute business cards, we distribute advertisements.

With digitalization, you grow your business and your business without incurring many costs to yourself. For this reason, although sustainability may seem separate, it has gained great importance and progress with digitalization in the world.

Considering all these together, get ready for digitalization for Sustainability and start now!

If you don’t want to be late any longer, click now and let’s talk about our new Efficient Digital Model.

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