Entegra E Ticaret

Entegra E Commerce, Marketplace Integration and Product Upload

Entegra E Commerce is the company that has been meeting the integration and other integration needs in the best way for more than 10 years. Entegra provides the chronic stock, price, bulk product transfers and manual processing of incoming orders experienced by companies selling through e-commerce sites and other internet sales platforms (Gittigidiyor, N11, Sanalpazar, Hepsiburada Price Comparison Sites, etc.).

You can solve Entegra E Commerce Integration and other transactions by creating trainings and support requests. Adapte Digital does all the other processes for product and category matching for you. We can work together for eCommerce software and marketplace integrations.

Prices of Integra Integration Packages vary between 3500 TL and 7250 TL for 2021.

Integrations with E-Commerce Site Software

Entegra E Ticaret: Ticimax, Ideasoft, T-Soft, Woocommerce, WordPress, Prestashop, Opencart, Shopify ve bir çok E-Ticaret altyapısıyla uyumlu entegrasyonu yapılmaktadır.

Ticimax Integration

Entegra E Commerce Integration integrates with the Ticimax infrastructure you use, and takes all your stocks from your accounting program and instantly processes all orders together with your current customers. With Ticimax Integra integration, your orders, stock changes, invoice designs etc. are made automatically.

Ideasoft Integration

You can easily distribute your products from your Idesoft E-Commerce system with XML integration. You can automate your orders and stock changes in Trendyol, N11, Gittigidiyor, Hepsiburada, Amazon and many other marketplaces.

T-soft Integration

You can manage your products in the marketplaces by making arrangements via T-soft or Integra. You can increase your sales by using features such as the possibility of making special price definitions for each market place, alarms, etc. You can request all your digital management from Adapte Digital.

Marketplace Integrations

Your products entered in Entegra are listed on N11, Gittigidiyor, Hepsiburada, Amazon, Akakçe, Trendyol, Çiçeksepeti-Mizu, Epttavm, Zebramo and Virtualpazar, and all your orders are managed from Entegra.

Trendyol Integration

Integra Trendyol Integration allows you to send and manage your products on your site or accounting program. The stock change due to the product sold at any hour is updated on other platforms at the same time.

Amazon Integration

Integra Amazon Integration allows you to ship and manage your products on your site or accounting program.

Hepsiburada Integration

Entegra Hepsiburada Integration allows you to send and manage your products on your site or accounting program.

You can review our web design and e-commerce services on our pages: Web Design, E-Commerce …

Accounting Program Integrations

You can provide double-sided instant integration of your products and orders with accounting programs (Logo, Mikro, Akınsoft, Eta, Netsis, Nebim, Vega, Dia, Paraşüt, Sentez, Link, Webticari, Nethesap).

Akınsoft Integrated Integration

Supplier Xml Integrations

In addition to your own stocks, you can define the Xmls of your suppliers to Entegra, and have them automatically updated on your marketplace and site.

You can examine Entegra E Commerce and Marketplace Integration Packages.

AkınSoft Accounting Program and E Invoice/E Commerce Integration
Website Studies for IdeaSoft E-Commerce Software
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