What is the use of KVKK consultancy? 1

What is the use of KVKK consultancy?

Personal Data Protection Law is a Turkish law that aims to protect individuals’ personal data. Within the scope of this law, processes such as collection, processing, storage and deletion of personal data must be carried out within certain standards and rules. This is where KVKK consultancy comes into play. So, what is the use of personal data protection law consultancy?

  1. 📘 Legislation Information and Legal Compliance: KVKK consultant interprets the personal data protection law legislation in the most accurate way and guides companies, organizations or individuals regarding legal compliance. In this way, data controllers can fulfill their legal obligations in the most efficient way.
  2. 📌 VERBIS Registration and Notification: Companies and organizations that process personal data are required to register with VERBIS. KVKK consultant helps you complete this registration process in the fastest and most compatible way.
  3. 📋 Preparation of Data Inventory: In the process of compliance with the personal data protection law, analysis of processed personal data is of great importance. KVKK consultant accurately analyzes the processed data and provides support in creating the data inventory.
  4. 🖋️ Amendment of Contracts and Clarification Texts: The Consultant checks the compliance of existing contracts and clarification texts with the personal data protection law and recommends amendments when necessary.
  5. 🛡️ Taking Data Security Measures: KVKK consultant determines the necessary security measures to protect personal data and guides them in their implementation.
  6. 🤝 Training and Awareness Raising: The consultant organizes training to ensure that company employees and relevant parties are aware of the personal data protection law.
  7. 🚀 Continuous Support and Expertise: The consultant closely follows the changes in the personal data protection law legislation and constantly provides support with up-to-date information and expertise.
  8. 🔍 KVKK-GDPR Compliance: Personal data protection law is a law implemented for the protection of personal data in Turkey. In contrast, GDPR is a regulation that regulates the protection of personal data in the European Union. A KVKK consultant who does his job well also knows how to work in compliance with GDPR. This enables companies to act in legal compliance not only in Turkey but also internationally.

As a result, KVKK consultancy; It is a guidance and support service that does its job well on critical issues such as complying with personal data protection legislation, increasing data security, fulfilling legal obligations and protection from possible sanctions. Working with a qualified and experienced KVKK consultant in this field ensures that the process progresses both more efficiently and more reliably.

What are KVKK duties?

Protection of personal data is not only a necessity, but also of vital importance to protect the reputation of institutions and customer trust. The legal framework that undertakes this responsibility and regulation in Turkey is known as the Personal Data Protection Law. It aims to ensure the confidentiality of individuals’ personal data, to regulate their rights over this data, and to prevent unlawful processing of personal data. However, complying with the requirements of this law can be complex and time-consuming for companies and institutions. At this point, KVKK consultancy comes into play.

KVKK consultancy is an expert service that helps companies and institutions fully comply with personal data protection legislation and practices. This consultancy service offers a wide range of services, from the creation of data protection strategies to employee training, from data breach response to legal compliance control. In addition, compliance with personal data protection law means compliance with other important data protection laws such as GDPR in the international arena, so KVKK consultancy plays a critical role for companies to remain competitive and secure at the global level.

A KVKK consultant who stands out with his qualifications, experience and expertise helps companies manage personal data in the most accurate way, minimize risks and thus protect their reputation. An expert KVKK consultant must be familiar with the constantly updated legislation, guide companies on legal requirements and protect them from possible sanctions in order to get the most efficient and fastest results. In addition, in order to provide the most compatible service, it should also include data processing processes, registration to VERBIS, amendment of contracts, analysis of data and creation of information texts.

In short, a KVKK consultant who does his job well ensures that companies and institutions fulfill not only their legal obligations but also their ethical and social responsibilities in protecting personal data. This is vital in today’s world to not only avoid criminal penalties, but also to maintain customer trust and brand value.

The Personal Data Protection Law is a legal regulation that aims to secure individuals during the processing of their personal data. This regulation is responsible for ensuring the most accurate, most efficient and fastest compliance with data security both in Turkey and in the international arena. At this point, KVKK consultancy comes to the fore. So, as a Personal Data Protection Law consultant, what are our duties and how do we offer the most compatible service?

    1. 🌟 KVKK-GDPR Compliance: The most accurate KVKK consultancy guides companies in the process of complying with the GDPR as well as the personal data protection law. This helps companies ensure data security and maintain legal compliance, also internationally.

    1. ⚖️ Legal Compliance: Personal Data Protection Law consultants inform companies about the Personal Data Protection Law Consultancy legislation, so that they understand their legal obligations and comply with them in the most compatible way. In addition, consultants who do their job well make companies aware of possible sanctions and penalties.

    1. 📝 Registration to VERBIS: VERBIS, that is, Data Controllers Registry Information System, is a platform where data controllers must register. The Personal Data Protection Law consultant guides companies through this process and supports them in completing the registration process in the fastest and most efficient way.

    1. 📃 Amendment of Contracts: One of the most important duties of the consultant is to ensure that contracts regarding the processing of personal data comply with the personal data protection law. This both ensures data security and protects companies from legal risks.

    1. 🔍 Analysis of Data: Personal Data Protection Law consultant examines the personal data held by companies and analyzes whether these data are processed in accordance with the law. This helps determine the most accurate and comprehensive data management strategies.

    1. 📄 Creating Information Texts: Data owners need to know their rights and be informed about data processing activities. Personal Data Protection Law consultant helps prepare these texts in the most harmonious and transparent way.

    1. 🤝 Continuous Support and Current Information Flow: Personal data protection law and other relevant legislation are constantly updated. A KVKK consultant who does his job well provides continuous support to companies by providing the most up-to-date information and manages the fastest adaptation process.

As a KVKK consultant, our duty is to guide companies in ensuring the most accurate and efficient compliance with legal legislation, to create and manage data security strategies, and to ensure that all necessary technical and administrative regulations are made in this process. With qualifications, experience and expertise, we support companies in managing their personal data protection law processes in the most harmonious way, so that they can focus on their business in peace.

Who conducts the KVKK audit?

Living in the age of digitalization has reshaped everything from the way we do business to our daily lives. However, as a result of this process, the protection and privacy of our personal data has also gained great importance. While this has brought new legal obligations and responsibilities for companies and individuals, it has also left them with complex and often difficult to understand regulations. In Turkey, the Personal Data Protection Law is at the center of these regulations. The personal data protection law aims to ensure the protection of individuals’ personal data, regulate the rights over this data and prevent the unlawful processing of these data. However, understanding and implementing the obligations and standards imposed by the personal data protection law can be a very challenging process for companies. At this stage, KVKK consultancy comes to the fore.

KVKK consultancy is of vital importance in helping companies and organizations fully comply with personal data protection legislation. This service plays a critical role not only in ensuring regulatory compliance, but also in helping companies optimize data management, tighten security protocols, and prepare for potential data breaches. In such a complex and technical field, the support of qualified KVKK consultants is essential for companies to overcome this challenge in the most efficient way.

For detailed information about Personal Data Protection Law consultancy agencies What is KVKK Consultancy Agency?.

KVKK-GDPR compliance is also of particular importance for companies operating in the global market or with international customers. GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is another data protection law implemented by the European Union and affects many companies around the world. Therefore, companies are required to fully comply with both the personal data protection law and the GDPR, which further expands the area of expertise of KVKK consultants.

In the process of complying with these laws, companies benefit from the in-depth experience and expertise of KVKK consultants. Consultants analyze the company’s internal functioning and data management systems, manage VERBIS registration processes by working with data controllers, help amend contracts when necessary, and take active roles in processes such as creating disclosure texts. In addition, consultants review the company’s data protection policies, provide training to employees about KVKK and GDPR, and guide audit processes. All these steps ensure that the company’s data management and protection strategies operate both legally and optimally.

As a result, personal data protection law consultancy helps companies fulfill their legal obligations regarding data security, minimize risks and carry out data management processes in the most efficient way. This not only ensures compliance with the law, but also increases companies’ credibility and reputation, making their businesses more successful and sustainable.

To get detailed information about KVKK consultancy companies What is KVKK Consultancy Company?.

The Personal Data Protection Law is an important legislation that regulates the processes related to the protection and processing of individuals’ personal data. Within the scope of this law, ensuring data security and monitoring legal compliance is carried out by certain institutions and experts. So, who does this audit and how does the audit process work? This is where the role of KVKK consultancy and KVKK consultants comes into play.

    1. 🔍 KVKK Audit: In Turkey, audits carried out by the Personal Data Protection Authority check whether companies comply with KVKK-GDPR and fulfill their legal obligations. These inspections can be carried out on the institution’s own initiative or upon complaint.

    1. 👨‍💼 Data Controller: Companies act as “data controller” within the scope of KVKK and have the responsibility to fulfill legal obligations regarding the protection of personal data. Data controllers must conduct regular audits regarding compliance with KVKK and prepare reports of these audits.

    1. 💡 KVKK Consultant: Personal Data Protection Law consultants provide support to companies within the framework of experience and expertise, guiding them through processes such as KVKK and GDPR compliance, registration with VERBIS, and amendment of contracts. They also play a critical role in planning and executing internal audits.

    1. 📊 Integrated Audit Approach: KVKK consultancy covers data analysis, legal compliance assessment and risk management processes, thanks to the integrated audit approach. This approach ensures that both internal and external audit processes are carried out in a harmonious and integrated manner.

    1. ⚖️ Auditing Authority and Legal Obligations: KVKK legislation gives broad auditing authority to the Personal Data Protection Authority. Companies are obliged to fulfill the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law and these obligations are checked through regular audits and reports.

    1. 📝 Reporting: Reporting, which is an integral part of the audit process, documents in detail the legal compliance status of companies, any non-compliance and recommended correction steps. KVKK consultant plays an important role in preparing these reports accurately and comprehensively.

KVKK consultancy guides companies not only on legal compliance, but also on the development of data security strategies, raising employee awareness and creating a safe data management culture. This process, which requires quality, experience and expertise, is even more important in today’s world where data protection and privacy come to the fore. That’s why a person who does his job well KVKK consultant becomes an indispensable qualification for companies.

To get detailed information about Personal Data Protection Law consultancy What is KVKK Consultancy?.

Who does KVKK protect?

KVKK audit is carried out by the Personal Data Protection Authority, which is the official institution responsible for implementing and auditing the Personal Data Protection Law in Turkey. This institution is responsible for ensuring the protection of personal data, detecting violations and imposing sanctions when necessary.

The Personal Data Protection Authority’s audit authority is broad to check the implementation of the law and whether personal data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the law. Audits can be initiated as a result of complaints or the institution’s own initiative and cover both public and private sector organizations.

The audit process usually includes the following steps:

    1. 📋 Preliminary Evaluation: The first stage of KVKK is to make a preliminary evaluation of the personal data processing activities of the relevant company or institution. This often involves collecting information about the company’s personal data policies, data processing activities and data security measures.

    1. 🕵️ Investigation and Research: If it is decided that a detailed examination is necessary as a result of the preliminary evaluation, Personal Data Protection Law auditors may conduct on-site examinations of the company. This phase may include reviewing documents, records and systems.

    1. 📝 Reporting: Audit results are collected and evaluated in a report. If illegalities are detected, these are stated in the report and suggestions are made for correction.

    1. ⚖️ Sanctions: If illegal situations are detected as a result of the inspections carried out by KVKK, sanctions, including administrative fines, may be applied.

KVKK audits are of critical importance to ensure that data controllers and data processors fulfill their legal obligations. KVKK consultants help companies and organizations prepare for these audits, develop data protection strategies and ensure compliance required by law. Audits not only ensure legal compliance, but also enable companies and organizations to protect their reputation and be recognized as reliable business partners by increasing data security.

Are KVKK and GPDR the same?

Protection of personal data has global importance today. In this context, regulations such as the Personal Data Protection Law in Turkey and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aim to ensure the data security of individuals. However, although they have similar goals, there are important differences between KVKK and GDPR. KVKK consultancy and expert services are of vital importance in order to understand these differences and to adapt to both regulations in the most harmonious way.

    1. Scope and Applicability: GDPR applies to companies all over the world and covers all companies that process or monitor the personal data of EU citizens. The Personal Data Protection Law is only valid for real and legal persons operating within the borders of Turkey and processing data in Turkey.

    1. Information Obligation: Both regulations require relevant persons to be informed about data processing activities, but the content and presentation of the information texts may differ. KVKK consultants provide the most accurate support to companies in the creation of these texts.

    1. Registration with VERBIS: In Turkey, data controllers are required to register with VERBIS, this is not an obligation foreseen in the GDPR. KVKK consultancy helps companies complete this process in the fastest and most efficient way.

    1. Amendment of Contracts: Both regulations require a legal basis for the processing of personal data. Therefore, companies need to have most compatible contracts that reflect their data processing activities.

    1. Analysis of Data: KVKK and GDPR impose strict requirements on the protection and processing of personal data. Regular analysis of data for the most accurate and most efficient applications is a requirement of both regulations.

    1. Legal Compliance: KVKK and GDPR offer different legal frameworks and sanctions. Therefore, companies can act in accordance with both regulations with the guidance and support provided by KVKK consultants who do their job best.

    1. Expertise and Support: Personal Data Protection Law consulting firms offer the most accurate knowledge, experience and expertise to ensure compliance with data protection laws, including GDPR compliance. This consultancy helps companies understand their legal obligations and take the necessary steps to become most compliant

Although KVKK and GDPR are based on the same basic principles, there are differences in practice and legal obligations. In order to overcome these differences and fully comply with both regulations, the most accurate, most efficient and fastest way is with a KVKK consultant who is an expert in his field. is to work. Consultants help companies understand the difficulties they may encounter in these processes and overcome these difficulties in the most harmonious way. Thus, companies not only comply with the law, but also gain the trust of their customers and business partners by adopting best practices in data security.

To access official sources on the subject, visit link.

What is VERBIS Registration and how is it done?

Protection of personal data is vital for every company in today’s digital world. In this context, KVKK consultancy services for companies operating in Turkey play a critical role in the creation, harmonization and implementation of legal compliance processes. In particular, registration to VERBIS is one of the most important steps of this process and must be carried out correctly.

VERBİS is the abbreviation of “Data Controllers Registry Information System” and is an online system created in Turkey to ensure personal data security. Registering with VERBIS is one of the obligations of companies within the framework of KVKK legislation, and this process can be managed much more efficiently with guidance and support from a qualified KVKK consultant.

KVKK consultants follow the following steps when managing the VERBIS registration processes of companies:

    1. 📋 Preparation of Data Inventory: First, the personal data protection law consultant examines all data processing activities of the company and creates a detailed data inventory. This inventory contains comprehensive information about what data the company processes, how this data is protected, and what steps should be taken within the framework of legal compliance.

    1. 🖊️ Amendment of Contracts: According to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Law, companies must have a legal basis for the personal data they process. Therefore, existing contracts may need to be amended in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law.

    1. 🖥️ VERBİS Registration Procedures: A qualified Personal Data Protection Law consultant helps the company to register correctly and completely in the VERBİS system. This process includes steps such as appointing the company’s data controller representative, filling out the necessary forms and documents and uploading them to the system.

    1. 📊 Data Analysis and Security: KVKK consultancy also plays a critical role in ensuring the analysis and security of the company’s personal data. This includes taking the necessary technical and administrative measures to prevent data breaches and ensure data security.

    1. 📝 Creation of Information Texts: The Personal Data Protection Law obliges relevant persons to provide information about data processing activities. KVKK consultant guides companies in creating disclosure texts in accordance with legal requirements and announcing them to relevant people.

    1. 🔄 Continuous Compliance and Audit: The Personal Data Protection Law compliance process is an ongoing process once established. KVKK consultants conduct regular audits and compliance assessments to ensure that companies remain compliant at all times.

    1. 💡 Training and Awareness Raising: The Personal Data Protection Law consultant raises awareness of company employees about the protection of personal data and organizes training in this field. This helps create and maintain a culture of data security within the company.

Personal Data Protection Law consultancy and expert services help companies understand their obligations to protect personal data and fulfill these obligations effectively. Working with a qualified KVKK consultant enables companies to manage these processes in the most efficient way, thus ensuring legal compliance while business processes are protected and improved.

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